Visit by GES

Visit by GES revolutionizes the way events are managed and experienced, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to streamline the planning process and enhance attendee engagement. This powerful integration tool facilitates seamless data management and analysis, enabling event organizers to make informed decisions, improve operational efficiencies, and deliver personalized experiences. With its robust capabilities, Visit by GES is the go-to solution for unlocking the full potential of your events, ensuring they are not only memorable but also highly impactful.

Extracting Data

Visit by GES empowers organizations to collect crucial event-related data, enabling them to gain actionable insights. The platform facilitates seamless extraction of attendee behaviors, preferences, and interactions. Through its robust APIs, Visit offers an efficient path to access deep analytics, elevating the understanding of event success factors and participant engagement.

Analysis & AI

Integrating AI-driven tools and advanced analysis techniques, Visit by GES transforms raw event data into meaningful insights. This approach not only helps in identifying trends and patterns but also forecasts future event engagements and outcomes. The power of AI optimizes data interpretation, ensuring that every decision is informed and strategically aligned with business objectives.


Enhanced customer insights

Streamlined event management

Real-time data analytics

Predictive engagement strategies

Let's bring your data & AI initiatives to life

The opportunity to let data create true impact in daily work has never been bigger. We're an experience team with roots in AI technology startups. With the right knowledge and hands-on mentality we unlock data initiatives that make a difference.

Our services